
Lab # / Date Topics Resources Homework
Lab 1
8/27 (Mon)
1. Logging into Venus
2. Directory Management
3. File Management

Getting Started;
Basic Unix Commands
Practice unix and vi commands
Lab 2
8/29 (Wed)
1. Review Unix commands
2. Basic vi commands
3. cout and cin
vi + g++;
Help in taking a screenshot
ec1 (Due 8/31/18)
1. Fill out a quick survey
2. Sign up for a piazza account after receiving an invitation.
3. Download/Install SSH Secure Shell (Windows user)
4. Submit a screenshot of your SSH login screen (Check the details in Blackboard.)
Sep 3rd (Mon): Labor Day - College is closed
Lab 3
9/5 (Wed)
1. Homework submission guideline
2. More Unix commands
3. vi cheat sheet
cin, endl, \n & Comments;
Interactive Vim tutorial;
5 free resources to learn Vim;; training videos
hw1 (Due 9/18/2018)
Sep 10th (Mon): No classes scheduled
Lab 4
9/12 (Wed)
1. FTP
3. Lab work (Variables and cin)
vi cheat sheet and other references;
Study for quiz#1 (Unix command, 1st C++ program)
Lab 5
9/17 (Mon)
1. Quiz 1
2. Lab work (Arithmetic) | Solutions
Decision-Making: If-statements
Reminder: hw1.cpp is due tomorrow
Sep 19th (Wed): No classes scheduled
Lab 6
9/24 (Mon)
Lab work (If-statements) | Solutions
Logical Operators;
While Loop
1. hw2 (Due 10/4/2018)
2. Study for quiz#2 (arithmetic, variable naming convention)
Lab 7
9/26 (Wed)
1. Quiz 2
2. Absolute C++ Test Bank (Blackboard)
3. Lab work (while loop) | Solution
Lab 8
10/1 (Mon)
Lab#8 Learning Objectives
1. MT1 practice (Fall'17) | Partial Solutions
2. MT1 practice (Spring'18) | Solutions
For Loop 1. Study for quiz#3 (if; relational operators; while loop)
2. ec2 (Due 10/31/18)
Lab 9
10/3 (Wed)
1. Quiz 3
2. Lab#9 Exercises
1. Programming Journal (create a list of Unix commands and vi commands that you know)
2. ec3 (Due 11/30/18)
Oct 8th (Mon): Columbus Day - College is closed
Lab 10
10/10 (Wed)
1.Go over the Programming Journal
2.Lab #10 Exercises | Q1_sol
Linux tutorial (
hw3 (Due 10/18/2018)
Lab 11
10/15 (Mon)
Pattern Exercises | Solutions
Printing patterns (Fried);
Printing patterns (Chen)
Lab 12
10/17 (Wed)
1. Quiz 4
2. Nested loops 1 | Solutions (Ryba)
3. Nested loops 2 | Solutions (Ryba)
Study for mid-term 1
Oct 22nd (Mon) Mid-term 1 - 9am class: Remsen 100; 2:45pm class Ro 230
Lab 13
10/22 (Mon)
Sec 11A & 22B: Mid-term 1 study/review
Sec 11D: Unix Command Exercises
Teach Yourself Computer Science;
Bjarne Stroustrup's "Why I created C++";
C++ For Programmers (Udacity)
Lab 14
10/24 (Wed)
1. MT1 feedback
2. Learning Objectives
3. Functions Demo: abs, sqrt, rand
srand - C++ Reference (;
abs & fabs (;
Function headers and Functions (Fried)
Lab 15
10/29 (Mon)
Learning Objectives (Unix, vi, functions)
Code Solutions
Coding On Linux Server From Windows PC;
Functions, <cmath> and rand( ) (Tanasyuk)
hw4 (Due 11/8/2018)
Lab 16
10/31 (Wed)
Learning Objectives (function title lines)
Functions (Lai);
99 Bottles of Beer - Rosetta Code;
Every Psychologist Should Learn Programming
Reminder: EC2 is due today
Lab 17
11/5 (Mon)
Learning Objectives (functions)
Study for quiz#5 (functions)
Lab 18
11/7 (Wed)
1. Quiz 5
2. Learning Objectives (reference variables)
Passed by reference (Tanasyuk)
Lab 19
11/12 (Mon)
1. Learning Objectives
2. Recursion Exercises | Solutions (Ryba)
Variable Scope;
Recursion (Fried)
Study for quiz#6 (functions up to passed by reference)
Lab 20
11/14 (Wed)
1. Quiz 6
2. More recursion exercises
hw5 (Due 11/29/2018)
Lab 21
11/19 (Mon)
1. Quiz 6 review
2. Learning Objectives
3. Take action (Bob Proctor)
Why I love Vim: It’s the lesser-known features that make it so amazing (Amit Kulkarni);
Arrays (Fried); Arrays (Chin); Arrays (Lai)
Study for quiz#7 (rand(), Test Bank Questions, recursion)
Lab 22
11/21 (Wed)
1. Quiz 7
2. Array exercises | Solutions
Operators (;
C++ Applications (
Nov 22nd (Thu): Happy Thanksgiving!
Lab 23
11/26 (Mon)
1. Learning Objectives
2. Array Exercises | Solutions (Ryba)
2D Arrays (Chin)
Study for quiz#8 (Ch.13 Test Bank Questions, Array)
Lab 24
11/28 (Wed)
1. Quiz 8
2. Second set of array exercises (Ryba)
Computer Science Education Week
Study for mid-term 2
Dec 3rd (Mon) Mid-term 2 - 9am class: Remsen 100; 2:45pm class Ro 230
Lab 25
12/3 (Mon)
Sec 11A & 22B: Mid-term 2 study/review
Sec 11D: Fun in programming
Lab 26
12/5 (Wed)
1. Mid-term 2 & hw5 feedback;
2. String exercises | String solutions
String and Characters (Lai);
List of string functions (;
C++ Strings (;
substr, Character sequences (;
string.cpp (Chin)
1. hw6 (Due 12/12/2018)
2. EC5 - Fill out the course evaluation (Due 12/12)
Lab 27
12/10 (Mon)
1. Learning Objectives Break, Continue, ++, argc, argv (Abreu)
Crash course on File I/O (Chin);
File input output (Abreu)
Lab 28
12/12 (Wed)
1. Learning Objectives
2. End-of-course survey
3. Quiz 9 (due EOD today)
"Hello World" in Visual Studio (;
Dev C++ IDE (;
Dhawal Shah's monthly list of CS MOOCs;
HTTrack Website Copier;
HTTrack Alternatives (
Dec 17th (Mon) Final Exam - Location: Ro 230; Time: 8:30a-10:30a for 9a class; 1:45p-3:45p for 2:45p class