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Statements are executed in order, but some statements, such as conditional statements, cause execution to jump to another point in the code.

Boolean expressions

A boolean expression is an expression that evaluates as true or false. There are two types of operators that evaluate as true/false: relational operators and logical operators. They are listed below, together with arithmetic and assignment.

Precedence Operator Description Associativity
1 ! logical NOT right-to-left
2 * / % multiplication, division, modulo left-to-right
3 + - addition, subtraction left-to-right
4 < <= > >= relational <, ≤, >, ≥ left-to-right
5 == != relational =, ≠ left-to-right
6 && logical AND left-to-right
7 || logical OR left-to-right
8 = assignment right-to-left


Conditional statements

A conditional statement uses a condition to decide whether or not to execute a block of code. The condition must be a boolean expression. A block is a group of statements surrounded by {}.




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Nested conditionals

A block may include a conditional statement. This allows you to chain if-else statements.



A loop repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true. If the block contains only 1 statement, the {} are optional.




Any while-loop can be written as a for-loop. for-loops are often used to repeat a loop a specific number of times. The two loops below are equivalent.


Incrementing is often done with operators.


In the first example, each time you evaluate the condition, i has a different value. The 11th time you evaluate the condition, i is 11, so the condition is false and the loop ends.

break and continue

break exits from a loop. continue takes you back to the beginning of a loop. while (true) loops will usually include a break statement to avoid an infinite loop.

Problems involving loops


Problems involving digits can often be solved with the following strategy. The number of digits in x will be the number of times that the loop repeats, because after removing the last digit that many times, x will be 0.
