CS department server login

You may have a MySQL account during the semester you are taking CS 85 or CS 331 or CS 355.

  • Username (all lowercase): First 2 letters of your last name, followed by first 2 letters of first name, followed by last 4 digits of CUNYfirst ID. If your name is John Doe an d your CUNYfirst ID is 12345678, then your username is dojo5678
  • Password: Your 8 digits of CUNYfirst ID#

Logging onto MySQL account from your linux account

  • mariadb -u your_username -p
  • Press Enter
  • Enter your_password
  • At MariaDB [(none)]> prompt, type
    use your_schema; (your_schema name is same as your username)

Logging onto MySQL account using a MySQL client application from your computer

  • Download and Install DBeaver Community.
  • Create a New Connection (MariaDB)
    Enter mars.cs.qc.cuny.edu in the box labeled Server Host:
    Enter your_username in the box labeled Database:
    Enter your_username in the box labeled Username:
    Click Test Connection to confirm the settings are good
    Click OK

Connect MySQL database with Python

  • Install python module pymysql or mysql-connector-python or mysql-connector in your computer

Changing your MySQL password

  • At MariaDB[your_schema] prompt, type
    set password = password("your new password");