GlobalProtect Installation

Download & install GlobalProtect

  • If you have an old version install in the past, uninstall it first, and download the current version to install.
  • Go to
    • Login with your CUNY Login credentials.
    • Click Enter OTP from device ...
    • Enter the OTP code from your Authentication app and click verify.
    • Once verified, download the installer for your system.
    • Locate the downloaded file from your Downloads folder (GlobalProtect64 or GlbalProtect.pkg).
    • For Mac, just double-click the installer to complete the installation.
    • For Windows, you need to install it from windows command prompt as follows:
      • Click on the Start Menu and type CMD, press ENTER.
      • In the Command Prompt window, type
        c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i "Downloads\GlobalProtect64.msi" defaultbrowser=yes
        Your downloaded file may ended with a number such as GlobalProtect64 (1).msi if you did download more than once into the same folder. Ensure to check your Downloads folder to install with the current downloaded version.
    • Once instalation completed. Click on "Get Started", enter the portal address: and click Connect.
  • If you find any connection issue, first check Common Issues and Fixes for CUNY Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for the issue & fix. If you don't find a fix, then contact QC Help Desk at