Studying Comments

Many of you have asked me how to study for exams in this course. This course is about learning problem-solving techniques and applying them to new problems. Computer programming is a creative process.

To study effectively, you should review every topic that has been introduced to date. To help you with this, I have a website that lists the topics introduced on every day of the course. Additionally, I provide slides and example problems. I also post recordings of lectures.

If you are hazy on any of the topics, I encourage you to review the materials posted. You can also find videos on YouTube that explain the topics. Many students have found Bucky's C++ Tutorials very helpful.

I helped to set up study groups based on student availability as reported to me via a survey I sent out. If you would like to participate in a study group you can email me your availability and I will connect you to other students in class who are available at those times.

You can join coding clubs such as Code ReSolve and Girls Who Code where you can find fellow Computer Science students who might also be able to help you.

The best way to learn programming is by writing programs. You have lab classes where you are given programs to write. If you have not taken full advantage of solving problems in your lab classes, now is the time to go write those programs.

Finally, I have posted practice exams which are full of problems that you can work on.