Lab 15

  1. Two numbers are considered as very different if they differ by more than 10. Write a complete C++ program using the main function given below. Write a C++ function called areVeryDifferent that determines whether two integers are very different.
  2. For example, your function could be used in the following program.
    int main() { int x = 4, y = 10, z = -4; if (areVeryDifferent(x, y)) cout << "x and y are very different" << endl; if (areVeryDifferent(x, z)) cout << "x and z are very different" << endl; if (areVeryDifferent(y, z)) cout << "y and z are very different" << endl; return 0; }

    The output from this program would be:
    y and z are very different

  3. Write a complete C++ program using the main function given below. Write a function called countChange that uses four parameters q, d, n, and p and converts the value of q quarters, d dimes, n nickels, and p cents into dollars.
  4. For example, a program that uses the function countChange follows.
    int main() { int q = 10, d = 5, n = 1, p = 2; double x = countChange(q, d, n, p); cout << "You have $" << x << endl; }

    It should print:
    You have $3.07

  5. Write a complete C++ program using the main function given below. Write a function called quadratic that calculates the value of a quadratic function ax^2 + bx + c.
  6. For example, a program that uses the function quadratic follows.
    int main() { double a = 1.0, b = 2.2, c = 1.21, x = 0.1; cout << quadratic(a, b, c, x) << endl; return 0; }

    It should print:
  7. Write a complete C++ program using the main function given below. Write a function called toSeconds that uses three parameters d, h and m, and converts d days, h hours and m minutes into seconds.
  8. For example, a program that uses the function toSeconds follows.
    int main() { int d = 5, h = 12, m = 30; cout << toSeconds(d, h, m) << endl; return 0; }

    It should print:
  9. Write a complete C++ program using the main function given below. Write a function called minMaxMath that uses three parameters a, b and c, and prints
  10. For example, a program that uses the function minMaxMath follows.
    int main() { int a = 7, b = 2, c = 4; minMaxMath(a, b, c); return 0; }

    It should print:
    The sum is 13 The product is 56 The largest number is 7 The smallest number is 2