CS355 Final Project (Spring 2024)

In this project students will choose two API's and create a mashup that uses them synchronously. Once the code is completed students will then present their projects in a short recoded screencast walking through their code and demoing the final result.


You will need to complete the HTTP and Third Party API topics and Assessment 4 to understand how to write code to utilize the HTTP and HTTPS packages on Node.js. Your project must use the techniques we covered this semester.


Some notable examples from previous semesters includes:



If any of these are missing no partial credit will be awarded:

  1. Project code that satisfies restrictions. Please be careful with this, projects submitted that do not follow the minimum guidelines will be awarded a zero.

  2. An HTTP sequence diagram which shows all HTTP requests/responses made between client and server. (Be sure to not include TCP handshakes and ACKs which should be abstracted away)

    Here is an example of what I want

  3. A screencast where students will record them walking through their project and code.

In the past semesters students have submitted code without a recording, those students earned a zero.


Code Requirements

A successful project will have at minimum four phases in code execution:

  1. When a end user visits the home page, your server send them a form to fill out.

  2. When a end user submits the form to your server, your server will then send the first API request out (using the captured data if necessary).

  3. Upon receiving the response from the first API request, your server will parse the response and generate a request to the second API.


    You have to be careful here: the user cannot be the driver of this secondary request, if they have to interact with the page at all, (for example clicking a button) this is considered two separate requests and not two synchronous requests. In the GitHub Jobs x Todoist mashup upon receiving a response from GitHub our application immediate contacts Todoist for the next phase.

    The server must make all the requests to the API, if you are unsure please do not hestiate to contact me.


  4. Upon receiving the response from the second API request, your server will parse the response and finally send results back to the end user.


The project requires two API's to be chosen, one of which MUST have some form of authentication. The authentication model chosen will determine the maximum score that can be earned. The other chosen API does not need authentication. (You only need to do authentication once)

These two API's MUST be queried synchronously without race conditions. Having two API's operate asynchronously will result in a failing score.



Score Ceilings and Authentication Model

There will be score ceilings dependent on the authentication model chosen.

Each step increases project complexity, but there is a larger reward for those willing to take a risk with a more difficult work flow. (To gauge the difficulty the Spotify API in assessment 4 used Client Credential authorization workflow)


AuthenticationMaximum Score
Public API0%
API Key90%
OAuth 2.0 Client Credential100%
OAuth 2.0 Three Legged110%

This score ceiling is based on the most difficult API you choose:


List of API's


You should avoid OAuth 1.0 API's as we did not cover certificate signing this semester.

You are not restricted to just API's on this list.



This project is used to demonstrate your understanding of low-level Node.js. There are many tools and third party libraries out there that abstract away these difficulties, but for this project you are not allowed to use these. (Outside this course they are fantastic for building stuff quickly and I encourage you to use them for portfolio projects)


Third party modules are banned (eg. NPM / github)

This project tasks you with writing an HTTP server to communicate with various API's. Some API's offer helper libraries to automate the authentication process. You cannot use these libraries. (You can still use those API's, but you must do so using only HTTP / HTTPS Node.js modules)

Some popular libraries that are banned from this assignment


How to avoid accidentally used a third party module

The only libraries you are allowed to use are built in libraries. (Node.js core libraries) I need to emphasize this because of the number of students that received zeros in previous semesters.

If the library is available on nodejs.org ✅ you can use it (fs, http, https, querystring, url, ...). If it's anywhere else including npmjs.com ❌ or github.com❌ it's barred from this project. Specifically the only libraries you should be using are the one's found in the sidebar on the nodejs documentation page.


Promise, Fetch, and Async/Away notation is banned

We have covered callback and observer pattern this semester, your solution must demonstrate understanding of these techniques.

setTimeout and equivalents are banned.

The code may look like it works initially, but it has race conditions, doesn't scale, and is always going to be slower in the scenario where it does work.

API's must be different than demos

As this is meant to be an independent research project, API's used in current and future lecture videos and in previous assignments are not allowed. This list includes four API's:


If you are unsure if your usage of a construct is allowed, please do not hestitate to email me.


Unrelated API's are okay

If you are having difficulty finding two related API's, it is fine to use two unrelated API's. In this scenario, students are still required to write their code in a synchronous fashion, and will instead pretend the first API request needs to be responded to, before the second can be sent. (Eg. I need to get the restaurant information, before I can request the weather data)




Phase 1: Choosing a pair of APIs

First check this list to see which pairing of API's your fellow classmates have chosen (this will be updated daily)
This document is set to read only - You will not be editing this document



You cannot use the exact same pair as someone else, but you can change one of them to a different API and it will be considered a different pairing.

Don't rush to lock in your API without thoroughly testing it. The public API list currently has 773 different API's meaning there are 773C2 = 298,378 possible pairings. It's very unlikely for two students choose the exact same pair of APIs at random.

There's little need to rush this process and it can be harmful if you lock yourself into an API that you later find incredibly difficult to use.


During this phase you should be looking through and setting up accounts with various API's to find a pair that you want to create your project with. Make sure to try using each API before deciding on your API, as some API's are much harder to use than others. Use an HTTP debugger like Insomnia or Postman to try to authenticate and make queries.

I would recommend first looking into API's that interest you, having contextual knowledge about a particular hobby can make working with the API much easier. (E.g. A Hearthstone player would understand the intricate details of the Hearthstone API better than non-players)


During this phase you should:

My assistance will be limited for this project, in contrast to the Spotify API, I do not have intimate knowledge of your chosen APIs, if you find that you are having trouble using the API, don't choose it!


Submit Choices

Once testing is completed you will submit your API choice here, login with your CUNY Microsoft Forms account.

The account should have the extension @login.cuny.edu, It is NOT your qmail account.



Within 24 hours of submitting the form (likely much sooner) , you will receive an email notifying you of your choices either be approved or rejected. API pair choice is assigned on a first come first serve.

In the case where someone submits the exact same pair of APIs as you, you will need to change one or more of the API's and resubmit.

Once approved you may move to the next phase.

If you want to change your API choices after they have been approved just submit the form again and wait 24 hours. You can resubmit as many times as you want.




Phase 2: Creating the Project

First make a formalized HTTP Sequence Diagram describing a (non-cached) use of your application including all calls to each API

This will organize your thought so you can keep track of various endpoints and decide at any point if you are sending or receiving data.

After the diagram has been formalized, build the project.


Additional factors that will effect your grade:

If you have multiple similar requests, like when downloading multiple images, a single arrow with a remark is sufficient


Important: testing your project to ensure it is operating synchronously

Your project MUST operate synchronously.

If we have Requests A and B, Request A must finish (received response) before Request B begins, otherwise you risk a failing grade for not hitting requirements.

If B's request is dependent on A's response, (GithubJobs x Todoist example where I can't create calendar events without the Github search results) then this is obvious and you can skip this step.

But if the requests are independent, this becomes harder to test.

You can use the following snippet of code to test if your calls are being done synchronously.

Specifically change your call to .end() with a version that has a delay. (Note we are only using this call to setTimeout to test our code, you should revert back to the original version before submitting. Don't use setTimeout() for anything other than testing)


Add a print statement each time one of your API is called. (API 1 has been called, API 2 has been called)


If without any additional changes your project takes an additional 5 seconds before it can display the exact same results, then it is likely fine, operating synchronously (as the second API is waiting for the results from the first)

If the code blows through the delay and makes the call to the second API without waiting for the first to finish (the message API 2 has been called should appear), then you are operating asynchronously and you need to make changes. Synchronous behavior means that if there is a delay for any reason, the second task will wait. Your code must work if I change that timeout to 10 seconds, 60 seconds, or 60 years.


My code is operating asynchronously, how do I make it synchronous?

Refer to the N Domains Synchronously topic of lecture 6.



Phase 3: Presenting your mashup with a screencast

Finally students will record a screencast presenting their project similar to my lecture videos. (Record your screen while explaining how your code works)


A screencast will consist of:

  1. Description of the project:

  1. Going through the sequence diagram

  1. Going through the code:

  1. Run the program

  1. Answer the following questions:


Screencast Length

15 minutes is ideal. Try to keep your screencast under 20 minutes, this is not a requirement (I've received much longer screencasts 1hr+, this is also fine)

There is no minimum time requirement, if you think you can hit all the requirements quickly feel free to submit a shorter screencast - but note for shorter screencasts I will be very critical of things missing.

Don't worry too much about the quality of the recording as long as the bullet points are hit and you demonstrate understanding of your code, the video does not need to be professionally recorded and edited.

How to Record a Screencast

There are no specific requirements, you can use any screen recording software that you want including:


Either upload the video file to the form below or upload an unlisted recording to YouTube and include the link in your submission.

I must be able to watch your video and read your code.

If you are concerned, after submission, you can send me an email and I will confirm receipt of files and quickly test to make sure everything is viewable on my end (I will not grade them, only test the integrity of the files to make sure nothing is corrupt)



Additional Notes

To earn a grade everything must be submitted (code, sequence diagram, and screencast) No partial credit will be given to students stuck in earlier phases.

Be careful of scope creep, keep the project simple. The usefulness of your project is not a factor in it's grading. Your code will be graded on your programs functionality, reliability, caching, and whether all the requirements are hit.

All code including submissions from previous semesters are passed through Stanford Moss to check for plagiarism.




Review the code:

Save all code into a directory CS355-FP-######## replacing # with your Student ID. Zip the directory.

Submit 3 items via Blackboard under Assignments

  1. Screencast Recording (either as a file [~2GB max size] or a YouTube URL)

  2. Project Code

  3. Sequence Diagram (Export the sequence diagram as a PNG - 4th button on sidebar)


Due Date