Observer Pattern


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The observer pattern is a widely used design pattern popularized by the Gang of Four Design Patterns book typically used to model event driven applications where events can be intermittent in nature.

Learning Goals


ES6 Class notation : We will be extending the Node.js EventEmitter class which is written using ES6 class notation.


Callback Limitations



Consider a fictitious callback-based API get_data(callback) that accepts user input from console and then executes a callback. We want to continuously accept user input and pass that data to another process.


We need to wait for slow_sync_process() to finish before we can start capturing user input again. The callback needs to be at the end to guarantee the process has completed, but this can cause applications to feel slow, as slow_sync_process blocks the stack.

What we want instead is the ability to continue to queue up callbacks even if the stack is temporarily blocked.


Subjects and Observers

The observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between observable (aka subjects) and observers. An instance of a subject can emit a signal to all observers when specific conditions apply.

Observers, upon receiving an emit signal will add a callback to the event queue. If they receive multiple signals, multiple events will be added to the queue.

The Observer Pattern is implemented using the EventEmitter class in Node.js.


There are two components in this pattern:

  1. Registering an event listener.

    • Node.js: Using the EventEmitter's on() method
    • Browser: Using the DOM's addEventListener() method
  2. If necessary writing the conditions that emit the event. Most third party API's provide this, but we will be writing out own emitters starting from the second demo.



Built In Emitters (Readline)

Readline is a Node.js package that provides support for console I/O.

Readline's interface class is an example of a built in emitter that applications can register listeners to. We can create a instance of this with the createInterface() function, where we provide data streams for input and (optionally) output. For simplicity we will only be using input in this example.

The interface has several events, but most developers will only care about the line event, which triggers each time a new line character is entered.




Multiple event listeners fire independently. If a listener is registered twice, it's callback executes twice.


On each new line the input message will be printed twice. If you only want to register a one-time listener the once() method can be used instead of on().


A common mistake is putting the event listener (rl.on("line") in this example) inside the callback creating recursive code, where an exponential number of listeners is created.




Creating Our Own Emitter: DayEmitter.js

The EventEmitter class comes with two fundamental methods on() and emit()

In the previous example we used rl.on("line") to execute a callback each time a new line character is encountered. The line event is emitted by Node.js's API when the user enters a newline. But it is possible to listen to much more than built-in events by writing our own class that extends EventEmitter.

The DayEmitter class simulates a calendar by emitting a newday event every 240ms.


We can then use the same class's on() method to attach a callback to the newday event. The callback in this case erases the previous date and writes the new date on line zero. Because a newday event is emitted every 240 milliseconds, this callback is executed multiple times.



Run this in terminal and not VS Code's integrated debugger, because we move the console cursor which is not supported.



Objects of type EventEmitter have a pair of methods on() and emit(). (This first file DayEmitter.js uses emit(), the second file index.js uses on())

on(eventName, listener)

Registers a listener for eventName (String). Once registered, each time an event is emitted the listener (callback) is added to the event queue. This process is typically referred to as adding an event listener.


Signals to all registered listeners to execute their callback. All arguments after this are data sent to the listener.


Line by line breakdown


Once started, code jump between start() and sleep() emitting newday events on each cycle.

  1. constructor() is called when the new keyword is used.

    • The call to super() will get us all of EventEmitter's methods including emit() and on()
    • update_time is how many milliseconds represent a day (default 240ms)
    • We will store the current date in (Initialized to today)
  1. start()

    Updates the internal date, then signals to all listeners via emit() that a new day has arrived.

    emit() - Although multiple arguments can be used to send back data, I prefer to pass a single object via the second argument. This is done to not lock myself into requiring arguments be in a specific order. If I want to add more data besides mm_dd later on, this can be easily done without breaking existing code by extending the object returned.

    After the event is emitted the thread sleeps.

  2. sleep()

    Uses setTimeout() to simulate sleeping for a specified period and then calling start()

  3. module.exports = DayEmitter;

    Exports the DayEmitter class so that it can be invoked using a require statement.



  1. require("./DayEmitter")

    Looks for a file DayEmitter.js and imports module.exports. Stores class into DayEmitter

    More detail on import and require

  2. new DayEmitter()

    Instantiates an object of class DayEmitter, call it day_emitter

  3. day_emitter.on()

    As DayEmitter inherits from EventEmitter it inherits the method on() and is able to listen to emitted events. In this scenario we are listening to the newday event.

  4. process.stdout.cursorTo(0, 0);

    Changes the cursor to x and y coordinates (0,0) in the terminal.

  5. process.stdout.clearLine();

    erases the existing content on the line.

  6. process.stdout.write(mm_dd);

    Writes data to console.

  7. process.stdout.cursorTo(0, 1);

    Changes the cursor to x and y coordinates (0,1) in the terminal.

  8. console.clear();

    Clear the terminal

  9. day_emitter.start();

    Now that a listener is registered we can start the emitter to have those emit() calls caught.


setTimeout(callback, ms)

Libuv provides support for spawning a timer on a separate thread that waits a specified number of milliseconds to be elapsed before adding callback to the event queue after a. setTimeout does not make any guarantees on when callback gets executed, if you have a long running task occupying the stack, the callback will wait. If you have an infinite loop on the stack, the callback is never executed. (Because of this setTimeout only guarantees a minimum delay)

The ordering of arguments is weird (callback, ms) because JavaScript must maintain backwards compatibility and thus, must live with all the mistakes it's designers have made in the past. (We saw this previously in the Date objects getMonth() method starting at 0)


Arrow function usage in the DayEmitter example is important as arrow functions do not have a binding to this and instead will bind to the lexical this.

Using a function expression inside setTimeout will bind this to a different object: Timeout in Node.js, Window in a Browser. When we are supplying a callback that reference's this to another function like setTimeout, arrow function allows us to ensure this is properly referenced.




Why does Timeout Object print?

setTimeout() when called by Node uses new Timeout() to create a Timeout object and passes the callback into it.

This new Timeout object becomes what this is referring to.


For the assessment, students should use DayEmitter when they need a clock. You shouldn't need to directly use setTimeout() in any question, so I'm keeping it banned.

More details on how this is resolved Reference:


Birthday Emitter

BirthdayEmitter.js accepts a list of birthdays and a clock (day_emitter).

It listens for the clocks newday events and will cross reference the emitted mm_dd with it's list of birthdays. each time someone's birthday arrives a birthday event is emitted. If multiple people share the same birthday multiple events are emitted.

Birthday data is initially seeded from data/birthdays.json




Notice we feed in day_emitter to BirthdayEmitter's constructor, this is so they use the same clock. This technique will be used again in most of the demos and assignments.

You can remove the commented code to add in code that prints the calendar. This is why we initially seed current_line = 1, to reserve space for calendar.



DayEmitter will cycle between start() and sleep() methods. To pause execution, we need to stop this this cycle.

Example 05A - DayEmitter.js (changes only)


setTimeout() returns a timeout_id which is just a unique integer for each call to setTimeout(). timeout_id is used by the function clearTimeout() to cancel a timer. Once cancelled the start/sleep loop is no longer in effect and the calendar stops. To resume it, we can just call start again.


Birthday Emitter must first receive a newday event before it has any chance to emit. Pausing does not change this.


Example 05B - index.js (changes only)


If we want to listen to every keypress instead of waiting for a return key we need to switch to raw mode.

Notice this also uses the Observer pattern, listening for keypress events.

Once in raw, it is possible to listen to specific keypresses with the listener callback having two arguments:

You can use console.log(keypress) to view the structure and all additional properties of the keypress object.


Stock Portfolio Simulator

Simulates end of trading day price of a given portfolio using DayEmitter.js

Each day the stocks will generate a new price and emit a newday event to all listeners.

Stock prices will move a random percentage up or down bounded by volatility each day. If a stock has 10% volatility, it can increase or decrease 10% each day. (projected_growth changes this bound slightly as it is added after, but because each daily amount is small, it's effect is minimal)

A second parameter growth represents the annual projected growth of the company, which will affect the overall direction the fund will trend towards. The simulation takes this value divides it by 365 and adds it to the random percentage generated.

As an example, a company with {volatility:0.1, growth:0.365} will have it's next day price calculated by generating a random value between -0.1 and 0.1, then adding 0.365/365 to the generated value. This percentage is then multiplied with the current stock price to get the daily change.

This model is in no way meant to be accurate. It is suppose to be a simple demo to demonstrate real world uses of the observable pattern. I apologize to all finance majors who I have offended with my simplistic view of your industry.




This file is similar to BirthdayEmitter.js in that it takes a day_emitter object and listens for newday events, and then emits it's own events.

It has two helper static methods tommorrow_price() and round() used in the calculations of a Stock's future price, but for the most part we can treat these as backboxes and ignore the internal details.


round() is a helper function that rounds to two decimal places. Number.EPSILON is used to ensure 1.005 round's properly.





There is a third file pretty.js which acts as a drop in replacement for index.js. It has additional code that adds padding and color to the output to make it look more tabular, but is otherwise the same as index.js



Publisher Subscriber Pattern (pubsub)

Publisher Subscriber pattern is a variant of the observer pattern where we have a third entity that facilitates delivery of messages. This third entity can take on many forms for example a messaging server or a queue. This third entity grants us a decoupling of the publisher from subscribers.

The publisher (observable) does not need to know of the existence of the subscriber (observer) and the subscribers do not need to know the existence of publishers. Instead subscribers will subscribe to messaging servers for an event. Publisher emit signals to the MessagingServer which will then catch and re-emit messages to all subscribers.

This decoupling allows for subscribers to exist without any publisher and vice versa. New subscribers and publishers can be dynamically added and removed and the workflow continues as normal.



MessageServer act as intermediaries, forwarding messages from publishers to subscribers.



Publishers can register with a MessageServer using register()
Once registered, the message_server will be notified of a given publisher's publish event.



Subscribers can subscribe to MessageServers using subscribe().
Once subscribed, each subscriber will be notified of a MessageServer's publish event.

When a message is received, this.onReceive is executed. The default is to print to console, but we will change the behavior in order to more better visualize each event.




This demo may require you resize your console, publications are truncated to fit in the three columns. Each column represents a subscribers mailbox.

This demo has 3 publishers, 3 messaging servers, and 3 subscribers.

Press keys 1,2,3 to fire publish events from each of the three publishers Cat Chronicles, Cat Facts, and Daily Dog respectively.



This function appears in both MessagingServer.js and Subscriber.js

The forward and receive functions is called from a different context (Publisher and MessagingServer respectively)

Without the binding of this in the constructor calls to this.forward and this.receive will cause errors because this will refer to the event emitting class and not the subscriber.

It will try to execute Publisher.forward() and MessagingServer.receive() respectively.

The bind() method returns back a duplicate function where this has been hard bound to a specific object. We then replace the existing methods with this bound version.


Push / Pull

When using the observer pattern you can choose how to structure your data flow. There are two widely used models:

Push Model

This is what we've seen until now. The observer is sent the data wrapped in an object and needs to process it. It always receives the data which creates efficiency problems if the emitted object is large or the observer does not need the data on every event. There is also a tight coupling in this model, as observable typically require knowledge of the observer.

Pull Model

In the pull model, the observer is notified that an event was emitted and if it wants the data, must do so in a separate request. This keeps your API's decoupled and allows both the observer and the observable to be swapped out with another API as long as they follow the same event syntax.