
Lab # / Date Topics Resources Homework
Lab 1
8/26 (Wed)
1. Logging in
2. Basic Unix commands review
Fall'18 CS111 lab website;
Fall'19 CS111 Dr. Ryba's course website
Lab 2
8/31 (Mon)
1. Initial Survey
2. Git and GitHub
3. Pair Programming: FizzBuzz
Assignment 1 (due today)
Assignment 2 (due 9/2)
Lab 3
9/2 (Wed)
1. FTP
2. More Unix commands
3. Homework 2 discussion
4. Git and GitHub
Conditional Operator (
Assignment 2 testing (Cerverizzo)
Lab 4
9/9 (Wed)
1. Basic Git commands
2. Debugging exercises
vi cheat sheet;
Git and Github: A Beginner’s Guide for Complete Newbies;
C++ Basics; Linux Demo (Prof. Mock)
Possible Quiz 1 Questions (Chin)
Lab 5
9/14 (Mon)
1. Quiz 1
Feb 12 (Wed): Lincoln's Birthday - College Closed
Feb 17 (Mon): Presidents Day and Washington's Birthday - College Closed
Lab 6
9/16 (Wed)
1. Generate ssh key and put that in GitHub
2. quiz 1 feedback
3. DataCamp assignments (bonus Qs. for quiz 2)
Use SmarTTY to login to mars server
1. DataCamp assignments
Lab 7
9/21 (Mon)
1. Markdown Cheat Sheet
2. Code indentation
3. Compare 2 commits in GitHub
4. Quick review
Sample Style Guidelines for C++ (Pinkston);
Comparing between commits
Study for quiz#2 on Wednesday (8queens_2d_goto.cpp)
Lab 8
9/23 (Wed)
1. Quiz 2
2. Work on hw5 and hw6
Starter code for hw #5 (Cerverizzo)