CS 211 Lab
Instructor: Andy Abreu
Email: andy.abreu.qc@gmail.com
Old Course Reference
CS111 Lab Reference

Tutoring Schedule

Week # Lectures Homework Important Note Programs
Week 1 - Slide 1: Getting Started and Review
- Slide 2: Chapter 9: Strings
- How to accept arguments in Visual Studios
- Lab: Strings vs C-Strings
Part 1
1. Download SSH secure shell on your home PC and optionally MS Visual C++
2. Make sure you have no trouble logging in to VENUS.
3. Read chapters 1 - 5 (Review Material)
4. HW 1 - Review
Part 2
1. Read chapter 9
2. Complete Strings vs. C-Strings lab
3. Study for Quiz 1 on 9/18 - Chpts. 1 - 6.1

HW 1 - Due 9/9
Lab - String vs C-Strings Solution

HW 1 Solution
Week 2 - No class Semptember 4th - Labor Day
- Lab - More Review
Do Exercise 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
Challenge: Modified Exercise 9 - Each column must not contain repeat entry
1. Read Chapter 12
2. Complete lab on C-Strings and Strings
3. Complete lab on More Review
Quiz 1 - 9/18 Lab - More Review Solution
Week 3 - Slide: Chapter 12: I/O Streams
- Lab: Input/Output
- Complete lab on I/O
- Begin studying for Quiz 2 on Chapters 9 & 12
Quiz 2 - 10/4 Lab - I/O Lab Solution
Week 4 - Slide: Chapter 6: Structs
- Lab: Structs
- Complete lab on Structs

Week 5 - Slide 1: Chapter 6: Classes
- Lab: Classes
- Make sure to complete lab on structs
- HW 2 - Student
HW 2 - Due 10/7 Quiz 1 Solution
Week 6 -Chapter 11: Separate Compilation -HW 3 - Roster -HW 3 - Due 10/17
-Separate Compilation Guide

Week 7 -Start Team Project: Card Game
-Design the Game on a high level
-First Phase: Write Card.h, Card.cpp
-Finish implementation of Card class
-Write a Driver class to test your Card class

Week 8 -Second Phase: Write Stack.h, Stack.cpp (Static Array) Finish implementation of Stack class
Write a Driver class to test your Stack class

Week 9 -Continue Second Phase: Write Stack.h, Stack.cpp (Pointer to Array) Finish implementation of Stack class
Write a Driver class to test your Stack class
HW 4 - Contact Book
HW 4 - Due 11/7
Week 10 -Third Phase: Write Deck.h, Deck.cpp
-Lab: Overload Operators for << and >> for Card, Stack, and Deck.
Finish implementation of Deck class
Write a Driver class to test your Deck class

Week 11 -Fourth Phase: Write Node.h, Node.cpp, LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp
Implement Node and LinkedList class
Write a Driver class to test your LinkedList

Week 12 -Continue Fourth Phase: Write Node.h, Node.cpp, LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp
-Change Stack class to use dynamic array of pointers
-Implement BIG THREE for Stack class
Implement Node and LinkedList class
Write a Driver class to test your LinkedList
HW 5 - Operator Overload
HW 6 - Dynamic Array of Pointers
Project 1 -a Roster Manager
HW 5 - Due 11/22
HW 6 - Due 11/29
Project 1 - Due 12/5

Week 13 -Continue Fourth Phase: Write Node.h, Node.cpp, LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp
-Implement BIG THREE for LinkedList class
-Operator overload for display functions ( << )
-Operator overload for indexing into LinkedList ( [ ] )
Implement Node and LinkedList class
Write a Driver class to test your LinkedList

Week 14 - Fifth Phase: Write Hand.h, Hand.cpp, Player.h, Player.cpp
- Go over STL vector
- Recursion
Write a Driver class to test your Hand and Player classes
Quiz 3 - 12/4
HW 7 - Safe Matrix
HW 8 - Inheritance
HW 9 - Polymorphism
Project 2
HW 7 - 12/7
HW 8 - 12/29
HW 9 - 12/29
Project 2 - 12/29
Week 15 - Continue Fifth Phase: Write Hand.h, Hand.cpp, Player.h, Player.cpp
Write a Driver class to test your Hand and Player classes

Week 16 - Last Phase: Write Game.h, Game.cpp, Driver.cpp
- Go over Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Review for Final Exam
Complete Lab Project
BlackJack Rules
Extra Credit: Make Stack and LinkedList template classes
Extra Credit: Implement Go Fish Game
GoFish Documentation

Study for Final Exam

Lab Project - Due 12/29
BlackJack Driver